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Single Instance Application in C++/CLI using Mutex

I am developing a tray icon based application in C++ CLI. I am using Mutex to ensure single instance of my application running at a time. But each time a new instance starts, the current instance's window should go active. I am sending a message to the window using PostMessage(Pinvoke). But after 3 or 4 successive run, my application crashes.

Any ideas why that happen. please help!!

The code I have written in the main() function is,

Mutex ^mutex = gcnew Mutex(true, "{8F6F0AC4-B9A1-45fd-A8CF-72F04E6BDE8F}");
if (mutex->WaitOne(TimeSpan::Zero, true))
    // New Instance. Proceed......................
else// An instance is already running. Activate it and return
    // send our Win32 message to make the currently running instance
    // jump on top of all the other windows

        HWND hWindow = FindWindow( nullptr, "MyWindow" );
            PostMessage(hWindow, WM_ACTIVATE_APP, nullptr,nullptr);
    catch(Exception^ Ex)
    return -1;

Thanks & Regards,



  • Try this instead of PostMessage():

    ShowWindowAsync(hWindow, 1); // SW_SHOWNORMAL