I'm getting this error:
Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [unixODBC][DataDirect][ODBC 20101 driver][20101]Syntax error in SQL statement at or about "'BatchStatus','BatchRecepient','" (10713), SQL state 60
I'm using the below code to insert data in to Progress db:
INSERT INTO PUB.WebReportBatch ('BatchStatus','BatchRecepient','OrderNumber','BatchPartner')
VALUES ('Pending','[email protected]','00003660','')
'BatchStatus', 'BatchRecepient', 'OrderNumber', 'BatchPartner' are values. You might want to change that statement to something like this:
insert into PUB.WebReportBatch (BatchStatus,BatchRecepient,OrderNumber,BatchPartner) values ('Pending','[email protected]','00003660','')