How to handle/throw errors in a shared web worker
If you throw an error like this in a dedicated web worker
the error appears in the console in the browser.. but not when the worker is shared..!?
With a dedicated web worker you can also use console.log()
in the worker.. but not in a shared web worker
var worker = new SharedWorker('js/webworker.js');
worker.port.onmessage = function(e){
console.log('From worker: ';
worker.port.onerror = function(e){
console.log(e.message+'\nLine: '+e.lineno+'\nFilename: '+e.filename);
worker.port.postMessage('This message should throw an error in the web worker');
var ports = [];
self.onconnect = function(e){
var port = e.ports[0];
port.onmessage = function(e){
throw Error('hehehe');
port.postMessage('Worker connected!');
As the documentation says:
Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the worker's scripts, if the error did not occur while handling a previous script error, the user agent must report the error at the URL of the resource that contained the script, with the position (line number and column number) where the error occurred, in the origin of the scripts running in the worker, using the WorkerGlobalScope object's onerror attribute.
So the error will be reported to self
and then sent to all the ports:
self.onerror = function (e) {
ports.forEach(function (port) { port.postMessage(e); });
Here is jsfiddle that demonstrates it: