My company has a large selection of templates which are used to generate customer correspondence. I need to modify the existing processes so that copies of generated files (template + data) are saved for later editing.
My problem is that when I open one of these saved MSWord documents, edit, then close, MSWord is insisting that changes have been made to the template (the one selected in the generation process).
I am not really sure why this is happening, but it may be that the generated document contains a reference to the template upon which it was based, but that because the template is in a remote location, MSWord is attempting to generate a new local file.
If that diagnosis is correct, then I need a method to remove the template reference from the document.
If the diagnosis is incorrect then what is the likely explanation/solution?
I have found that BOTH resultant files contain a reference to the template.
Note: Manual editing in Word has no issue. If I let the letter generate and save to disk from Winword, I can open it and manipulate it quite happily. Somewhere in the automation steps the problem is being created.
Interestingly - I have changed the save format to '.rtf'
and the problem remains.
Further - it doesn't matter if I say 'Yes' to saving changes to the template, it continues to prompt me each time I open and close the document (whether I edit or not)
I have discovered that by saving the document as wdFormatXML
I can see the reference to the letter template and edit it. If I do that the problem goes away.
I am now attempting to achieve the same result via automation, but with no success;
Does not work for values of tmplt '', varNull, 'c:\progra~1\etc\Simple.dotx' and so on. The function call tells me it cannot find the template for the first 2 of those values, or merely hangs.
I am back to my original question - how does one clear the attached template ?
I eventually figured it. My problem was down to late-binding in some way. I found that the following code worked
docpath : OleVariant;
fmt : OleVariant;
tmplt : OleVariant;
WordApp : WordApplication;
WordDoc : WordDocument;
docpath := SaveLoggedDocToDisk(GetCurrentFileName());
WordApp := CoWordApplication.Create;
tmplt := '';
WordDoc := WordApp.Documents.Open(docpath, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, fmt, EmptyParam, EmptyParam );
The problem I had with earlier versions of this code was that
although it appears equivalent, was not behaving. By creating a variable of type WordDocument
the routine sprang into life.