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Using Fancybox with Google Static Maps


  • I have multiple links on a page with the class location_link
  • Each Links rel attribute is equal to a city state combo (i.e.,Omaha, NE)
  • Once the page is loaded, a JavaScript function loops through all of the location_link items and binds a click event to them using jQuery.
  • This click event fires a call to the Fancybox constructor that is supposed to show a Google Map of the location that link is associated with

The Problem:

Whenever I click on one of the "location links", I get the following error message:

The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.

Code I've Already Written:

function setUpLocationLinks() {
    locationLinks = $("a.location_link");
        function() {
            var me = $(this);
                    "showCloseButton" : true,
                    "hideOnContentClick" : true,
                    "titlePosition"  : "inside",
                    "title" : me.attr("rel"),
                    "type" : "image"
            return false;

Research I've Already Done:

Note: The Google Static Maps API no longer requires a Maps API key! (Google Maps API Premier customers should instead sign their URLs using a new cryptographic key which will be sent to you. See the Premier documentation for more information.)

  • The The Image URL I'm using does resolve and pulls back the data I need
  • When I put the above mentioned URL into a standard <img> tag, the map shows up just fine.
  • I'd like to pull this off without having to create some sort of dummy <img> tag that I'm constantly switching the src attribute out of.

Hopefully, you'll find this information helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


  • Here's what I came up with. It uses an empty <img> tag, but it works. I'd love to see someone come up with a more graceful solution.

    function setUpLocationLinks() {
        var locationLinks = $("a.location_link");
        var mapImage = $("#map_image");
        var mapImageContainer = $("#map_image_container");
        var mapFancybox = function() {
                    "showCloseButton" : true,
                    "hideOnContentClick" : true,
                    "titlePosition"  : "inside",
                    "content" : mapImageContainer.html()
            function() {
                var clickedLink = $(this);
                mapImage.attr("src", clickedLink.attr("href")).load(
                    function() {
                if(mapImage.complete) {
                return false;