I need to get about 14 different input values from user to create a product and the input should not receive in the controller as null
instead it should go as empty string
To achieve this the following is that I did: Controller:
var NewProductCatalog = {
CustomerGuid: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', SalesPartNo: "", Description: "",
Name: "", Inventory: 0, UnitPrice: 0, BrandNo: "", TypeNo: "", LobNo: "", BrandName: "",
TypeName: "", LobName: "", ManufacturePartNo: "", InventoryPartNo: "", EANCode: "",
ImageURL: "", ProductType: "", DateAdded: "", Active: false, Tax: 0
$scope.newProductCatalog = NewProductCatalog;
<label for="SalesPartNo">Sales Part No *</label>
<input type="text" required name="SalesPartNo" ng-model="newProductCatalog.SalesPartNo" class="form-control" />
<input type="submit" ng-click="createProductCatalog(newProductCatalog)" />
Create function(controller):
$scope.createProductCatalog = function (NewProductCatalog) {
var JsonString = angular.toJson(NewProductCatalog);
CustomProductsServices.ProductCatalog_create(JsonString, function (callback) {
if (callback.success) {
} else {
This allowed me to send an empty string when there user doesn't input any value.
The issue: When I try to enter a value in a text box and then delete/empty the text box and submit. I am not able to see the SalesPartNo in the resulting JSON string
Please point out the error of if my approach is wrong suggest me a better approach
Please remove attribute required from <input name="SalesPartNo" />
as angularjs not binding to model unless value is valid.
Please demo here http://jsbin.com/wuhipe/1/edit?html,console,output
<input type="text" name="SalesPartNo" ng-model="newProductCatalog.SalesPartNo" class="form-control" />