I am trying to make a bitmap image the background for the mainframe before any other frames are loaded but I'm not having any luck, what am I missing?
BOOL CMainFrame::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
CBitmap m_cbImage;
COLORREF m_crBack;
UINT m_uImage;
m_crBack = RGB(255, 255, 255);
m_uImage = IDB_SPLASH;
if ((m_cbImage.m_hObject == NULL) && (m_uImage>0))
m_bFirst = TRUE;
if (m_bFirst)
m_bFirst = FALSE;
CRect rcClient;
pDC->FillSolidRect(rcClient, m_crBack);
if (m_cbImage.m_hObject != NULL)
BITMAP sBitmap;
CSize szImage(sBitmap.bmWidth, sBitmap.bmHeight);
pDC->DrawState(CPoint(0, 0), szImage, &m_cbImage, DST_BITMAP | DSS_NORMAL);
return TRUE;
What looks like the background of the mainframe really isn't. The mainframe mostly just handles exactly that: the frame. The MDI client area is handled by a MDI Client window (which, in turn, manages the MDI child windows).
To change the background drawing, you create a MDI Client window class (public derivative of CWnd
), and handle the drawing in its OnEraseBkgnd
. Create an instance of that class in your MainFrame class, and in your MainFrame's OnCreate
, tell your MDI client to subclass the stock MDI client window: