I am using extention booster in simple project yii,I think booster has conflict in yii project, I could add booster to my project but I have error to all page in browser console:
for example , CGridview of filter don't work or other my jquery owner function don't work too.
error in firefox console:
TypeError: jQuery(...).popover is not a function
error in chorom console:
How can remove my problem, I added only a jquery (version 9).
I'm sorry for those who gave negative Unreasonable.
There are some step for resolve:
1- remove default yii jquery.
2- add new jquery top of 9 version.
but you should not add new jquery to header.php.
You must to add jquery to config/main.php and do other configuration.
'components' => array(
'clientScript' => array(
'scriptMap' => array(
'jquery.js'=>false, //disable default implementation of jquery
'jquery.min.js'=>false, //desable any others default implementation
'core.css'=>false, //disable
'styles.css'=>false, //disable
'pager.css'=>false, //disable
'default.css'=>false, //disable
'jquery'=>array( // set the new jquery
'bootstrap'=>array( //set others js libraries
'css'=>array( // and css
'depends'=>array('jquery'), // cause load jquery before load this.
It makes jquery9 placed above the rest jquery files.
'depends'=>array('jquery'), // cause load jquery before load this.