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A scripting engine for Ruby?

I am creating a Ruby On Rails website, and for one part it needs to be dynamic so that (sorta) trusted users can make parts of the website work differently. For this, I need a scripting language. In a sort of similar project in ASP.Net, I wrote my own scripting language/DSL. I can not use that source code(written at work) though, and I don't want to make another scripting language if I don't have to.

So, what choices do I have? The scripting must be locked down and not be able to crash my server or anything. I'd really like if I could use Ruby as the scripting language, but it's not strictly necessary. Also, this scripting part will be called on almost every request for the website, sometimes more than once. So, speed is a factor.

I looked at the RubyLuaBridge but it is Alpha status and seems dead.

What choices for a scripting language do I have in a Ruby project?

Also, I will have full control over where this project is deployed(root access), so there are no real limits..


  • There's also Rufus-lua though it's at version 0.1.0...