I am trying to make some kind of a pseudo-breadcrumb - or a title that is based on the name of the current file ( path ) .
So I wrote a function like so :
function getPageName(){
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
// reverse array give the last one. easier to keep track in URls
var pathLast = pathArray.reverse()[0];
return pathLast;
My markup is as followed ( note - the markup can not be changed / amended / fixed - so no new classes spans or IDs can be added ) :
<h3 class="page-title">
First Path <small>Sub Path</small>
Changing the area of Sub Path
proves easy :
var pathLast = getPageName();
jQuery("h3.page-title small").html(pathLast);
But I can not seem to find how to target the First Path
I tried
jQuery("h3.page-title small").before().html(pathLast);
But - of course it changes the whole h3
- thus deleting the subpath.
I even tried :
var currentMenuItemx = jQuery("a[href='" + pathLast + "']").parent().parent().parent().find('span[class="title"]');
jQuery("h3.page-title small").before(currentMenuItemx).html(pathLast);
which proves equally useless .
I also tried along the lines of :
// var title = currentMenuItemParent.get(0)+ "<small>"+pathLast+"<small>";
Not working for me.
so my question is how to target and change an element that has another element inside without affecting the subelement.
@Terwanerik approach would work ( similar to my last example - but sharper jQUery skills )
The function would have to change a bit to :
function getPageName(){
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
// reverse array give the last one. easier to keep track in URls
var pathLast = pathArray.reverse(); // return whole array
return pathLast;
Thus returning the whole array .. Otherwise , the result for index.php for example is ( string) :
<h3 class="page-title">
But still - I guess what I really wanted to know is if there is some jQuery function to handle those situations in general , since parent()
nor before()
seems to be right for this case ..
How about just changing all the html in the <h3 class='page-title'>
like so: