Search code examples


I'm doing an app in Titanium for Android and IOS. When I navigate a lot in the application I have a random exception and the app crashes.

How can I know where is the problem?

The app is a little complex to explain:

It has two windows, first window is for "home" view that is only in portrait mode, and when I click to go to another view, I close the first window, I open another window and I add a view with the content to this window. The content view load the same web view with different url.

The app loads ok and I can navigate for the different views and windows ok. But when I navigate a lot, finally I have a EXC_BAC_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) and KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS

This only happens on device (on simulator it works ok) with iPad os 5.1.1 and os 7.0.2.

This is the log where the thread crashes:

Incident Identifier: 1A3E94A0-E6FC-4BFF-BB3B-7651D66664DE
CrashReporter Key:   d4422d11c83ca9acf2212996b20dd1078f00f36c
Hardware Model:      iPad3,3
Process:         Appname [16747]
Path:            /var/mobile/Applications/1BACB160-AED8-4F5F-A599-4F7F1F4A4DC4/
Identifier:      Appname
Version:         ??? (???)
Code Type:       ARM (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [1]

Date/Time:       2013-10-31 11:56:58.680 +0100
OS Version:      iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206)
Report Version:  104

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libicucore.A.dylib              0x37953fb2 utext_setNativeIndex + 122
1   libicucore.A.dylib              0x379542a6 icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::following(int) + 246
2   WebKit                          0x35f20b2c -[NSString(WebStringDrawing) __web_drawInRect:withFont:ellipsis:alignment:letterSpacing:lineSpacing:includeEmoji:truncationRect:measureOnly:renderedStringOut:drawUnderline:] + 2176
3   WebKit                          0x35e99078 -[NSString(WebStringDrawing) __web_drawInRect:withFont:ellipsis:alignment:letterSpacing:lineSpacing:includeEmoji:truncationRect:measureOnly:renderedStringOut:] + 108
4   WebKit                          0x35e98ffc -[NSString(WebStringDrawing) __web_drawInRect:withFont:ellipsis:alignment:letterSpacing:lineSpacing:includeEmoji:truncationRect:measureOnly:] + 100
5   WebKit                          0x35e98f88 -[NSString(WebStringDrawing) _web_drawInRect:withFont:ellipsis:alignment:lineSpacing:includeEmoji:truncationRect:measureOnly:] + 100
6   WebKit                          0x35e98f14 -[NSString(WebStringDrawing) _web_sizeInRect:withFont:ellipsis:lineSpacing:] + 80
7   UIKit                           0x34fba65c -[NSString(UIStringDrawing) sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:lineSpacing:] + 108
8   UIKit                           0x3512ee0e -[NSString(UIStringDrawing) sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:] + 46
9   Appname                         0x0014528c -[TiUILabel sizeForFont:] (TiUILabel.m:57)
10  Appname                         0x0014537a -[TiUILabel contentWidthForWidth:] (TiUILabel.m:69)
11  Appname                         0x001449bc -[TiUILabelProxy contentWidthForWidth:] (TiUILabelProxy.m:17)
12  Appname                         0x00116fb4 -[TiViewProxy autoWidthForSize:] (TiViewProxy.m:756)
13  Appname                         0x00120dbc -[TiViewProxy computeChildSandbox:withBounds:] (TiViewProxy.m:2543)
14  Appname                         0x0011fbb8 -[TiViewProxy measureChildren:] (TiViewProxy.m:2352)
15  Appname                         0x00121e36 -[TiViewProxy layoutChildren:] (TiViewProxy.m:2818)
16  Appname                         0x0011dd9a -[TiViewProxy refreshView:] (TiViewProxy.m:2061)
17  Appname                         0x0011f25c -[TiViewProxy layoutChildrenIfNeeded] (TiViewProxy.m:2264)
18  Appname                         0x001d5ba0 +[TiLayoutQueue layoutProxy:] (TiLayoutQueue.m:79)
19  Appname                         0x001d59b0 performLayoutRefresh (TiLayoutQueue.m:46)
20  CoreFoundation                  0x32a5fa2c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 8
21  CoreFoundation                  0x32a5f692 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 358
22  CoreFoundation                  0x32a5e268 __CFRunLoopRun + 1200
23  CoreFoundation                  0x329e149e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 294
24  CoreFoundation                  0x329e1366 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 98
25  GraphicsServices                0x32b2e432 GSEventRunModal + 130
26  UIKit                           0x34fc0cce UIApplicationMain + 1074
27  Appname                         0x000b8c34 main (main.m:36)
28  Appname                         0x000b8470 ___lldb_unnamed_function1$$Appname + 32

Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State:
    r0: 0x00000000    r1: 0x00000000      r2: 0x00000000      r3: 0x00000000
    r4: 0x0d65c6b0    r5: 0x0d65c690      r6: 0x00000000      r7: 0x2feabfac
    r8: 0x00000003    r9: 0x2feabf6c     r10: 0x00000003     r11: 0x08052950
    ip: 0x00000000    sp: 0x2feabfa4      lr: 0x00000000      pc: 0x37953fb2
  cpsr: 0x80000030

I've also had the log of other threads and information about Binary Images. If it's useful I can paste it.

How can I know what is the cause of the problem and where is the problem?

Thank you very much


  • Finally, I think it was a problem with webview component. I created a web view in each view (I need it to show some graphs) and when I return to home view, I tried to remove it. I think the problem is that you can't remove it completely and it takes a lot of memory.

    Finally I solved it creating a webview in app.js and using it in all views changing the url and dimensions.