I want to build a client/server application using Sencha Touch 2 on the client side and Java/hibernate/MSSQL database technology on the server side. To get started I created the client side user login frame.Now i need help to implement the server side of the application. That is, to take the username/password and send it to the server and validate if the login is correct or not. Can somebody please help me to achieve this part. I am using Tomcat as the container for my server side.
It is very Easy,Below code not totally working ,but it will give you just an idea,to start.
Write a Login Controller in sencha touch which is responsible for making Ajax request from front end to backend. This controller should contain below line of code inside a function.
var user = Ext.getCmp('user_name');
var pass = Ext.getCmp('password');
// For security purpose you should always pass credntial in encrypted format
var param = {user_name:user,password:pass};
var jsonData = JSON.stringify(param);
url: 'http://server_ip:8080/backend/authenticate',
jsonData : param,
success: function(response){
Ext.Msg.Alert(null,"Login Successfule");
//You can write your own logic to display any other screen
failure : function(error){
Ext.Msg.Alert(null,"Unable to authenticate user");
3.Now prepare you back end using any frame work in java let say Spring MVC. 4. Write a controller
public class AuthenticateController{
@RequestMapping(value="authenticate",method = RequestMethod.POST,consumes="application/json",produces="application/json")
public String authenticateUser((@RequestBody String json){
//Now by using json data you can verify user by querying DB,and return your own message.