I was looking for a Desktop Application Programming Language with one of the biggest constraint: - “I need to output as native executable”.
I explored multiple options:
- Java is not a very good option for desktop programming, but still you can use it. But Java to Exe is a problem. Only GCJ and Excelsior-Jet provides this.
- .Net platform does not support native compilation. Only very few expensive tools are available which can do the job.
- Python is not an option for native compilation. Right?
- VB6 is the option I am left with.
From the above list, if I am correct, VB6 is the only and probably the best option I have.
But VB6 itself has issues like:
- It is no more under development since
- There are questions on support of VB6 IDE with Vista
Thus my questions are:
- From the list of programming language options, do you want to add any more?
- If VB6 is good/best option, looking at its development status, would you suggest using VB6 in this era?
Out of curiosity, what are the driving factors behind the "native-binary-only" constraint?
As others have said, it's essentially impossible to prevent reverse engineering. (I realize the answer I linked to is in the context of .Net, but it applies to all programs.)