i want to create a mobile menu with Jquery but i'm failing with the reassignment of the href-attributes and text-attributes to the new links i created with Jquery. When i run console log on $(this).attr('href') and var $litext = $(this).text() everything seems fine. I just cant figure it out how to connect the new links with the two elements.
I made a JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/14htwa2u/1/
var $navigation = '<div id="wrapper"><ul><li></li></ul></div>';
var $links = '<a class="dot"></a>';
// Atrribut href
var $attribut = $(this).attr('href');
// Text
var $litext = $(this).text();
// Verknüpfung
$($links).val($(this).attr('href', $attribut));
Thx 4 your help
You have to create each new link new.
But at first, we append the list to the body and then we append each link with it's own li-element:
$('<div id="wrapper"><ul></ul></div>').appendTo($("body"));
$("a").each(function () {
// get the href-attribute and the link-text
attribute = $(this).attr("href"),
text = $(this).text();
// log href and text
console.log("attribute: ", attribute, " | text: ", text);
// create new link with li in new navigation
$('<li><a href="'+ attribute +'" class="dot">'+ text +'</a></li>').appendTo($("#wrapper ul"))
Here is your updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/14htwa2u/4/