I would like to know how can I use the "Shift right" shortcut ( cmd + ] ) on the apple wireless keyboard.
Here is an image of the keyboard
Update 1 - french keyboard:
(source: bachibouzouks.com)
That is was a picture of the Apple Wireless Keyboard - Swiss. Normally you would use the “Swiss French” keyboard layout with that keyboard.
I don't have an Apple Wireless Keyboard - Swiss; I have an Apple Wireless Keyboard - US English. But I set my keyboard layout to Swiss French (System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources > + > French > Swiss French) and played around. Here's what worked for me:
In the Swiss French keyboard layout, you can type a right square bracket using ⌥6. So to type the shortcut for “Shift right”, you press (and hold) ⌘, press (and hold) ⌥, press 6, and finally release all keys.
Your new picture is of an Apple Wireless Keyboard - French. In the French keyboard layout, you can type a right square bracket using ⌥⇧). So to type the shortcut for “Shift right”, you press and hold ⌥, ⇧, and ⌘ simultaneously, and while holding them, press ).