I've done this many times on 32 bit CentOS and everything went ok without a hitch. But now, on x64 CentOS, I can't get cairo to find pixman.
Pixman 0.18.0 is installed in /usr/local/lib (which I believe is the usual location).
Configure for Cairo 1.8.10 can't find it:
checking for cairo's image surface backend feature...
checking for pixman... no
checking whether cairo's image surface backend feature could be enabled... no (requires pixman-1 >= 0.12.0 http://cairographics.org/releases/)
configure: error: mandatory image surface backend feature could not be enabled
I've tried setting environment variable pixman_LIBS=/usr/local/lib but wihtout any luck.
Any idea what is going wrong? Is it possible for me to see where is cairo's configure looking for pixman? Search paths or something like that?
is not the usual place. 64-bit libraries are under lib64
of some sort. Use file
to verify the libraries under there.
Also, /usr/local is not on most of the paths, so you may need to use $LIBDIR
as well.