By using Berkshelf
I'm installing php-fpm
And I want to comment out following lines in /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
;listen.owner = www-data
; = www-data
But I couldn't find where should I edit in cookbooks/php-fpm
And I don't know if it is ok to edit files directly that is created by Berkshelf
Where and how can I reflect that change?
The problem is there is no www.conf
in php-fpm
I think this file is somehow generated dynamically.
Does anyone know how the file www.conf
This is the result of find
find . -name '*.conf.*'
I added this line to *.json
node config file, then the values are override.
php-fpm": { "listen_owner": "nginx", "listen_group": "nginx" },