I'm using a javascript code that find an img element and preview it after replacing a part of its src
This part is created by user and i can't determine it.
Here is the code:
<img src="' + i[0].src.replace("/s**/", "/s726/") + '" />
represents the unknown numbers ranged from 0 to 1600.
I'm looking for a regex or another way that dynamically gets this value and changes it to 726
Thank you
#Update Solution:
<img src="' + i[0].src.replace(/\/s[0-9]+(-*c*)\//, "/s726/") + '" />
You could try something like
i[0].src.replace(/s([01]?[0-5]?[0-9]?[0-9]|1600)[^0-9]/, "s726")