Hi I'm looking to translate the Frontend User Menu for Joomla containing the menu:
It's primary the Title and the first 3 options that I need to translate.
I've been searching my file directory almost whole day now to find the associated files, but without any luck.
I'm using the Danish language pack, and even if I set it as the default language for both frontend and backend, the frontend User Menu it still shows in English. Which makes me guess it's not located in any of the language folders...
WHat you are trying to translate is the actual titles of the menu items, plus the title of the module that renders this menu.
For these:
You need to go in the menu manager, I guess this menu should be called "User Menu" and edit the menu-items titles to your desired titles.
For the "User Menu", you need to go to Module Manager and find the Menu Module that renders this menu, should be called "User Menu" and change its title as per your needs.