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How to retrieve inserted identity in migration of FluentMigrator

During a migration how do i Insert into my table, then retrieve the ID, and then use it to insert a related data in another table.

what i have now is an hardoced ID to insert, but I don't know what it's gonna be when i'll run the migration.

var contactId = 2;
var phoneNumber = 2;

        Id = contactId,
        TimeZoneId = contact.TimeZoneId,
        Type = (byte)(int)contact.Type,
        Email = contact.Email.ToString(),
        EntityId = entityId

        Id = phoneNumberId,
        Type = (byte)(int)phone.Type,
        ContactId = contactId

I'd like to be able to retrieve the inserted ID and use it for the second insert instead of harcoding it.

I'm using SQL Server if it's any help...

I Thought this would be trivial, but seems like it's not, after googling for it, and not seing any answers here.


  • I use Execute.Sql() with @@IDENTITY in sql-query for same cases