I'm working on some project where I need to create on the fly, buttons with NGUI. I found some answers but none of them could help me. Iknow it's simple but according to what I found on http://www.tasharen.com/forum/index.php?topic=81.0 and in NGUI script (UICreateWidgetWizard.cs), like:
UILabel lbl = NGUITools.AddWidget<UILabel>(go);
it's still not working..
An my code is the following:
UIButton button = NGUITools.AddWidget<UIButton>(parent);
Thanks for yout help guys !
Either as @pfranza suggests, create a prefab of your UIButtons that you can reference as a public object in your script, then to create it use the
GameObject newButton = NGUITools.AddChild(mParentGameObject, mButtonPrefab);
Alternatively, you can fully create it at runtime if you wish:
UISprite mButtonSprite = NGUITools.AddSprite(mParentGameObject, mAtlas, "Button");
//Button is the name of the sprite in the atlas
//add any further components/set up you like.