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Parallel program running in scala

I am able to create actors and run them locally. But now I want the actors to run code on connected computers on network. Say I want to create actors to find factorial of a number.

object FactorialAll extends Actor{
   def receive = {
     case (n:Int)=>
         for(i<-1 to n){
          var factorActor = context.actorOf(Prop[FactorActor],"factorActor")
          factorActor ! Factorial(i)
     case Result(n:Int,fact:BigInt)=>
        println("factorial of " + n + " is "+fact)

and we send some int to this Actor.

How can I create and run FactorActor instances to run on network.


  • To just send message to a remote actor, you need Akka Remoting:

    Then, you can get remote actor and send a message like:

    val selection =
    selection ! "fooBar"