I have a question about Draw2D.js. I'm resizing the Canvas by using JQuery-ui, but when I resize the canvas I have to destroy it and create a new one ... Otherwise I'll have many canvases overlapping. If I call canvas.destroy()
nothing works (as mentioned in the documentation).
There is any way to do a soft destroy of the canvas? Is any resize fuunctionaility in JQuery-ui?
Thank you @MacGyver, i find solution in the second propostion. We have to edit the SVG DOM :)
i share my solution here jsfiddle! it may helps!
You should be able to dynamically change your DOM node of your canvas, by setting the width and height manually. Here, we have a width of 2500px and a height of 2500px.
<div onselectstart="javascript:/*IE8 hack*/return false" id="draw2d" style="width:2500px; height:2500px;-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);"></div>
Or change the width and height of the DIV tag dynamically using JavaScript.
Another alternative is to set the zoom dynamically:
canvas.setZoom(1); // default 1x (1:1 zoom)
canvas.setZoom(.5); // .5x (1:2 zoom)
canvas.setZoom(2); // 2x (2:1 zoom)
Then call the app.layout()