I added this to .emacs:
(setq org-support-shift-select t)
So, each time a TODO item is set to done, I get this:
* DONE Important task
CLOSED: [2014-09-04 Thu 18:44]
Is it possible to add seconds to the timestamp? So I could get this:
* DONE Important task
CLOSED: [2014-09-04 Thu 18:44:31]
This page says, that I can customize the timestamp format. But I couldn't understand, how to do it. I tried this:
(setq org-time-stamp-custom-formats '("<%m/%d/%y %a>" "<%m/%d/%y %a %H:%M:%S>"))
But it doesn't work.
Try this:
(setq org-time-stamp-formats
'("<%Y-%m-%d %a>" . "<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S>"))
Take note that it's defined as a constant, so you're not encouraged to fiddle with it (but you still can:).