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Camel routing from a ByteArrayInputStream

According to the Camel Stream docs, it is possible to route message to/from various data streams.

However, in my case, I want the data (byte[]) in a ByteArrayInputStream to get sent off to a Camel route. The problem is that the only InputStream that component seems to support is FileInputStream like so:


But it looks like the only way to specify a ByteArrayInputStream is to use the stream:header URI like so:

ByteArrayInputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(someData);
from("direct:a").setHeader("stream", constant(byteStream)).to("stream:header");

But if you have to specify the custom stream as a header, I don't see how you could accomplish such a thing inside the from() clause. Any ideas how to do this?


  • stream:file is for read files as a stream. You cannot send a java object to that endpoint. It only reads from files from your file system.

    You can use Camel's type converter to convert the payload to something else, such as a byte[]


    You can read about Camel's type converter here: