Referring to this question from Wilmott Forums, I've just written the following function:
Public Function KmeansPrice(ByVal priceArray As Range, _
ByVal clustersNumber As Integer) As Double
' Following rows are reproducible only if RExcel has been installed
' on your Excel!
Dim y() As Double
RInterface.PutArrayFromVBA "x", priceArray
RInterface.PutArrayFromVBA "n", clustersNumber
RInterface.RRun "x = as.numeric(x)"
RInterface.RRun "cluster = kmeans(x, n)$cluster"
RInterface.RRun "bestBid = rep(NA, n)"
RInterface.RRun "for(i in 1:n)" & _
"{" & _
" assign(paste('group.', i, sep = ''), " & _
" x[cluster == i]);" & _
" bestBid[i] = max(get(paste('group.', i, sep = '')))" & _
RInterface.RRun "y = min(bestBid) + 0.01"
y = RInterface.GetArrayToVBA("y")
KmeansPrice = y(0, 0)
End Function
Of course I've prototyped it in R
before and it worked properly, then I guess that the cause of this error:
Error -2147220501
in Module RExcel.RServer
Error in variable assignment
is related to the wrong usage of RInterface.GetArrayToVBA()
for what concerns dimensions and indexing of arrays from R
to VBA.
Is anyone able to make the code above work? A working example with an array of just five or ten elements as priceArray
and clustersNumber
equal to 2 or 3 would be sufficient.
I'm not familiar with the clustering function, but this returns a result without breaking.
I prefer to make my functions in an R editor and then source the code, so I did this in R, then sourced my R function.
kmeansPrice <- function(priceArray,clustersNumber)
`[` <- function(...) base::`[`(...,drop=FALSE) #in case we have a 1 dimensional table
n<- clustersNumber
cluster = kmeans(x, n)$cluster
bestBid = rep(NA, n)
for(i in 1:n)
assign(paste('group.', i, sep = ''),
x[cluster == i])
bestBid[i] = max(get(paste('group.', i, sep = '')))
return(min(bestBid) + 0.01)
Then you can just
Public Function KmeansPrice(ByVal priceArray As Range, _
ByVal clustersNumber As Integer) As Double
rinterface.PutArrayFromVBA "priceArray", priceArray.Value 'I think this ".Value" was your problem'
rinterface.PutArrayFromVBA "clustersNumber", clustersNumber
rinterface.RRun "theResult <- kmeansPrice(priceArray,clustersNumber)"
y = rinterface.GetRExpressionValueToVBA("theResult") 'preferred to GetArrayToVBA for single-value results'
KmeansPrice = y
End Function
and run it with example data: a 2x4 table that evaluates to
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 5 9
[2,] 6 10
[3,] 7 11
[4,] 8 12
with 3 "clusters"
Sub runkmeans()
theResult = KmeansPrice(Range("BH2:BI5"), 3)
MsgBox (theResult)
End Sub
which yields 6.01