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linkify words using regex

I'm trying to linkify hashtags using regex, most of the cases work except when there is a word with dot at the end hot., this should only linkify #hot, but at the same time is valid

Here is my regex code:

var text = "#hot#hot hot #hot #hót #hot_hot #hot, (#hot) #hot. hot";
text.replace(#([^\b#,() ]*)/g, '<a href="/$1">#$1</a>');


<a href="/hot">#hot</a><a href="/hot">#hot</a> hot <a href="/hot">#hot</a> <a href="/"></a> <a href="/hót">#hót</a> <a href="/hot_hot">#hot_hot</a> <a href="/hot">#hot</a>, (<a href="/hot">#hot</a>) <a href="/hot.">#hot.</a> hot

the only issue is #hot. should linkify only #hot at the same time is valid


  • Your regex is fine, but you have to add a word boundary at the end:

    #([^\b#,() ]*)\b
                  ^-------- Here

    Working demo

    enter image description here