I'm trying to develop a small auction plugin, which works in reverse. There's a starting price which decreasing in every minute. So let's say:
Starting price: 300 $
Actual price: 150 $
Decrease: 50 $ in every minute
When you click on the bid button, you win the auction, and can buy the product on the actual price.
I have a working html file controlled by JavaScript, but I need everyone to see the same actual price. How should I do that? I'm trying to execute the JavaScriptin a chat plugin called jappix, but I have absolutely no idea how to do that, and I don't think that it would be fast enough to make it in PHP.
There are several ways to technically solve the problem:
1) Comet
How to implement Comet with PHP
2) Websockets Here is a Simple Chat Server Example and a Framework Ratchet, which should help you getting grips on websockets.