I toggle editable by clicking on a different (a pencil icon) DOM object. This works fine for simple text
values, now I need an select
box and preferbly the select2
On all other fields and the regular select dropdown I use the following:
For the select 2 dropdown I need to pass aditional params to editable, but I have no idea how to do it, the code below does not work. (the element is not triggerd)
toggle: 'show',
select2: {
width: 200,
placeholder: 'Select country',
allowClear: true
Here is the html:
<div class="row edit-line">
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-4">
<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-8 text-right">
<span id="country" class="edit-field" data-type="select" data-source="{{ route('countries') }}" data-value="{{ $user->country }}" data-pk="{{ $user->id }}" data-url="{{ action('UsersController@update') }}" data-title="@lang('user.country')">{{ Countries::getOne($user->country, App::getLocale(), 'cldr'); }}</span>
<div class="col-md-3 text-muted hidden-xs">
<a href="#" class="edit-country text-muted text-no-underline small"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> @lang('general.edit')</a>
In fact it has notting to do specifically with select2, I just don't know how to pass params to editable.
You should bind editable to your input outside the click event. When the user clicks you can then toggle the editable.
Based on this question: X - editable input editable on click on other element, your javascript would be:
$(document).ready(function() {
// in case you don't want the modal
$.fn.editable.defaults.mode = 'inline';
// bind x-editable on DOM ready
source: [
{id: 'gb', text: 'Great Britain'},
{id: 'us', text: 'United States'},
{id: 'ru', text: 'Russia'}
// change this from 'show' to 'manual'
toggle: 'manual',
select2: {
width: 200,
placeholder: 'Select country',
allowClear: true
// on element click
// toggle x-editable
Here is a working jsfiddle.