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Steps in creating a web service using Axis2 - The client code

I am trying to create a web service, my tools of trade are:


Axis2, Eclipse, Tomcat, Ant


I need to create a web service from Code, i.e. Write a basic java class which will have the methods to be declared in the WSDL. Then use to create my WSDL.

So, is this approach correct:

  1. Write my Java class with actual business logic
package packageNamel;

public class Hello{
public void World(String name)
            SOP("Hello" + name);
  1. Now, when I pass this to, this will give me the WSDL.
  2. Finally, I will write the services.xml file, and create the Hello.aar with following dir structure:


    • packageName
      • Hello.class
    • META-INF
      • services.xml
      • Hello.WSDL

Now, I assume, my service will be deployed when I put the aar in tomcat1/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/services

But, here comes my problem, HOW DO I ACCESS THE METHOD World(String name)???!!, i.e. I am clueless about the client code!

Please enlighten me on making a very basic web service and calling the method. The above described 3 steps might be wrong. It's a community wiki, feel free to edit.



  • I'm assuming you're only interested in web service clients?

    Option 1

    Invoke the web service is using Axis2 REST support, for example:


    Option 2

    Use SOAPUI. It can generate SOAP messages for you, by reading your service's WSDL. My client's testers have been using it extensively with only a very broad understanding of web service technologies. An impressive tool.

    Option 3

    Groovy client (Same approach for other JVM based languages)

    Use the wsdl2java tool to create a client stub class for the Shakespeare web service:

    $AXIS2_HOME/bin/ -d adb -s -o build -uri
    ant -file build/build.xml 


    // Dependencies
    // ============
    import com.xmlme.webservices.ShakespeareStub
        @Grab(group='org.apache.axis2', module='axis2-kernel', version='1.5.1'),
        @Grab(group='org.apache.axis2', module='axis2-adb', version='1.5.1'),
        @Grab(group='org.apache.axis2', module='axis2-transport-local', version='1.5.1'),
        @Grab(group='org.apache.axis2', module='axis2-transport-http', version='1.5.1'),
        @Grab(group='xerces', module='xercesImpl', version='2.6.2'),
    // Main program
    // ============
    def stub = new ShakespeareStub()
    // Request payload
    def request = new ShakespeareStub.GetSpeech()
    request.setRequest("Friends, romans, countrymen")
    // Send request
    response = stub.getSpeech(request)
    println response.getGetSpeechResult()

    Use the -cp parameter to add the generated code the the script's classpath

    groovy -cp build/build/classes GetSpeech