i have just begun cross platform cordova/phonegap mobile app development and read somewhere over stackoverflow to use intelXDK as IDE as it has built-in Emulator developed upon Ripple. i really don't know what's going wrong and it is really discouraging for me.
intelXDK is generating error on simple Javascript code even i have restarted IDE many times. what am I missing?
if you know some better IDE which does posses emulator, i'd really appreciate!
What you're seeing are jshint errors generated by the linter in the Brackets editor that's built into the XDK.
You can configure the jshint errors you get either by using a jshint resource file or by putting the jshint directives directly in your code (at the top of the page). Here's what I usually start out with to keep the list down to a manageable set of errors:
/*jslint browser:true, devel:true, white:true, vars:true */
/*global $:false, intel:false */
See File->Extension Manager... for more extensions that can be added. And see http://www.jshint.com/docs/ and http://jslinterrors.com/ for some documentation regarding these directives.