I'm looking for recommendations on how to implement multi-tenancy with couchrest model in a rails app. For my multi-tenant app, I'm thinking of two options:
{ edit - removed my ugly options because they'll only confuse future readers }
I would like this to work well with 10K users.
SOLUTION: Based on Sam's advice, here's what I did and it's working well - In my case, I needed to override the proxy_database method because the standard naming for proxy databases didn't match my naming.
created the master
class Site < CouchRest::Model::Base
property :name
property :slug
proxy_for :users
proxy_for ...(all the other multi-tenant models)
# Databases are on same server in this example
def proxy_database
@db ||= self.server.database!(slug)
Then in each multi-tenant model
class User < CouchRest::Model::Base
proxied_by :site
In ApplicationHelper create a 'site' method that you can reuse in all your controllers.
module ApplicationHelper
def site
db_name = current_user.db_name
@site ||= Site.create(slug: "#{db_name}_#{Rails.env}" )
Then controller might do something like:
def show
user = site.users.find(params[:id])
render :json => user
You might want to checkout the Proxying feature of CouchRest Model for this. More details can be found here:
Although I have no personal experience, I understand that CouchDB handles >10k databases. Here is a good thread of ways of scaling the number of users:
A few considerations to take into account when dealing with lots of databases:
Hope that helps.