I have a website with a static (fixed) top navigation. Because of the scrollto I need to specify a offset of 100px, but I really don't know how to change it in this line:
<a class="current link1" onClick="$('#home').ScrollTo();">Home</a>
I allready tried things like this, but it isn't working:
<a class="current link1" onClick="$('#home').ScrollTo(offset: -100);">Home</a>
<a class="current link1" onClick="$('#home').ScrollTo({offset: -100});">Home</a>
Preview: http://www.pandamedia.nl/vb
you can try this
<a class="current link1" onClick="$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: Math.round(parseFloat($('#home').offset().top)) - 100 }, 400);">Home</a>