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Can't create an item using the Neo4Jclient

I'm trying to programmatically save information to a Neo4J DB using the Neo4Jclient.

I've been trying to follow the examples but it doesn't seem to be working.

I've created a database connection which seems to work, but my code won't compile due to the below line..

public void SaveNewRootItem(string child)
        client = new GraphClient(new Uri([ConnectionStringhere]));

            .Create("(m:LinkItem {child})")
            .WithParams("child", child);

According to the examples on the wiki for the opensource repo I should be providing parameterised information in "WithParams".

What am I doing wrong?


  • I think I see what you're doing, assuming child exists, you need to do a couple of changes. First, you'll want to use WithParam not WithParams, and after that, to get it into the DB you'll need to ExecuteWithoutResults(), so you're query would look like:

        .Create("(m:LinkItem {child})")
        .WithParam("child", child)

    If you did want to use WithParams you have to supply a dictionary:

        .Create("(m:XX {child})")
        .WithParams(new Dictionary<string, object>{{"child", child}})

    Generally that's useful if you've got a lot of parameters in one query, it all boils down to the same regardless.