I want to run some registration code, both at run time AND at design time. The best way, to me, appeared to be to use a static constructor, but it does not appear to be run.
public class MyComponent : Component
static string someVar = "Static constructor not yet run";
static MyComponent()
someVar = "Static constuctor run";
public MyComponent()
//Do some constructor things
Is there a way to make a static constructor run at design time? If not is there an accepted pattern for doing this kind of thing?
Yes, static constructor will run regardless of design time or run time. A simple test can prove it.
public class MyComponent : Component
static string someVar = "Static constructor not yet run";
static MyComponent()
someVar = "Static constructor run";
public MyComponent()
//Do some constructor things
Now add the component in to the designer, and Build the project. You'll see message box with message Static constructor run.