I have a text fadeIn/fadeOut script that on click displays a designated image for a number of seconds defined with setTimeout.
I want to create a Cancel button for when i don't want to see that image for the entire set time.
I tried adding a clearTimeout function to a class="cancel" and point it to a but couldn't make it work...
My html:
<div id="help">
<p class="helper" data-timeout-value="5000" id="1">Do you...?</p>
<p class="helper" data-timeout-value="7000" id="2">Do you still...?</p>
<p class="helper" data-timeout-value="8000" id="3">Do you really still...?</p>
<div id="image1"></div>
<div id="image2"></div>
<div id="image3"></div>
var myTime;
var $this = $(this),
$id = $this.attr('id'),
$timeout = $this.attr('data-timeout-value');
myTime = setTimeout(function() {
}, $timeout);
You seem to be complicating things, just use jQuery's animations and delay, and stop them when the cancel button is clicked
var helper = $(".helper");
var helperIndex = -1;
(function showNextHelp() {
helper.eq(helperIndex % helper.length)
.fadeOut(500, showNextHelp);
helper.on('click', function(){
$("#image" + this.id).addClass('active')
.queue(function(next) {
$(this).fadeOut(500, function() {
$('.active').stop(true, true).hide(); // use fadeOut / In for animations
$("#help").stop(true, true).show();