I'm trying to build an Angular directive that creates a keyboard-accessible slider widget. I found several Angular sliders on Github, but none of them are keyboard-accessible. So, I'm trying to convert the jQuery UI slider to an Angular directive.
Here is how I'd build the widget without Angular.
<div id="slider"></slider>
<input type="text" id="amount"/>
min: 1,
max: 10,
slide: function(event, ui) {
And this is how I'd like the Angular directive to work:
<slider min="1" max="10" ng-model="sliderValue"/>
<input type="text" ng-model="sliderValue"/>
As an example, here is a jsFiddle that shows how someone converted a jQuery UI date widget to an Angular directive.
I'd like to do something similar to this for the slider widget. Thanks!
Here is a solution that works. Thank you to Duc Hong - his answer was instrumental in helping me to figure this out. Please let me know if there is a better way to do this.
app.directive('slider', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
value: scope[attrs.ngModel],
min: parseInt(attrs.min),
max: parseInt(attrs.max),
step: parseFloat(attrs.step),
slide: function(event, ui) {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope[attrs.ngModel] = ui.value;