I'm trying to use TinyMce in a webviewer in FileMaker but save the resulting HTML into a database field.
I am aware of the standard practice of using an fmp:// link with a script & parameter, but that won't work in Windows (the html content returned as the parameter will likely exceed the 2048 character limit).
I am using a javascript function to change the HTML DOM, putting the contents of the TinyMCE editor into another div on the page. However, when I use GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( "webviewer" ; "Content" )
it shows the content of the unmodified (pre-javascript altered) page, not the page after javascript has modified the DOM.
Sample file: http://cris.lc/sxti2
Is this expected behavior? Am I doing something incorrectly?
This is the expected behavior on FileMaker Pro and FileMaker WebDirect.
FileMaker Go is different. GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( "webviewer" ; "Content" )
DOES get the current DOM with FileMaker Go.