I am trying to build a function that retrieves the next element in a store after the passing keypath. My getItem looks something like that.
req = smartpigsdb.get(store, keypath);
req.done(function(record) {
if(record!==undefined || typeof record=='object'){
// do something with the record
else console.log('error getItem: ' + e);
req.fail(function(e) {
How can I achieve that using YDN-DB?
In the end I did something like this, it works but I am not sure is the best way to do it. 'idx' is an index for store object store.
var range = new ydn.db.KeyRange.lowerBound(index+1);
var iter = new ydn.db.Iterator(store, 'idx', range); // 'idx' is an index for store object store
db.values(iter, 1).done(function(item) {
if(item.length > 0){
var req = db.get(store, item[0]);
req.done(function(record) {
if(record!==undefined || typeof record=='object'){
// do soemthing with the record
else {
console.log('record could not be found');
req.fail(function(e) {
I tried the same thing with range = new ydn.db.KeyRange.upperBound(index);
if I want to retrieve a previous record, but I always get the first record from the store, so I used instead range = new ydn.db.KeyRange.lowerBound(index-1);
Please give me some feedback. Thanks again for the library. Regards, Florin.