I 'm trying to get information about scanned images that are saved into PDF files through iText (using Java).
Using the answer and comments, I got width and height (either through Matrix, or through BufferedImage). The idea was to use the answer here to calculate the DPI, but I am a bit lost.
Are these values (width and height) in pixels or points? Is there any other way to achieve this? There are a lot of answers on how to scale and save an image to a PDF file, but I didn't find any on how to read the width/height/scale of an image and be confident about the result.
Let's split this problem into two separate problems. To calculate the DPI, you need two sets of values: a number of pixels and a distance in inch.
and wPx
and hInch
.Now you can calculate the DPI in the x direction like this: wPx / wInch
and the DPI in the y direction like this: hPx / hInch