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Download file based on date modified from SFTP

Is there a way to get the files from SFTP server that should be based on modified date using Tamir.SharpSsh? Currently I am downloading files by file name but my requirement is by Date Modified.

var sftp = new Sftp(Host, UserName, Password);
sftp.Get(sourcePath+"/*.*." + name + "*", destinationPath);


  • SharpSsh does not allow that. It's a dead project, do not use it.

    Anyway, I took a look at the code to assess how difficult it would be add possibility to retrieve file timestamp using the Sftp.GetFileList (since the library is open source).

    You would have to:

    • Add a timestamp field to the ChannelSftp.LsEntry
    • Add parsing out timestamp from the SSH_FXP_NAME packet to the method
    • Modify (or add an alternative to) the Sftp.GetFileList to return not only file name, but also the timestamp (and other file metadata).

    Alternatively, you can use WinSCP .NET assembly. You can use its Session.GetFiles method with a file mask. E.g. a file mask *>7D selects all files modified in the last week.

    (I'm the author of WinSCP)