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How to create a standalone exe using python 3.4

I have created an exe file using cx_freeze (python 3.4). Along with the exe there is a,python34.dll and some .pyd file with it.How can i create a standalone exe so that it can be run on other systems where python is not installed.

A single exe file is all i want.Can this be achieved...?? This question was asked previously as well but i didnt find any suitable solutions in it.Help please.



  • At first .pyd files are python native extensions written in either C or C++ for windows target platform. Next in order to get exe built you will going to need to have pyinstaller package installed ( You can install it using either "pip install pyinstaller", "easy_install pyinstaller" or just specify it as a dependency within REQUIREMENTS.TXT or SETUP.PY of yours. But this package depends on pywin32 package which can only be installed either manually or with easy_install. It doen't support pip because the only bundle that is available is - exe file format. easy_install handles it though.