Logback's PropertyDefinerBase allows to use dynamic properties within logback.xml. I use this to configure a target directory for a FileAppender with values from my application config. In my case there's an enum instance that contains the value I want to use:
public String getPropertyValue() {return MyConfigEnum.LOGDIR.value();}
Relevant parts of logback.xml:
... and:
<define name="logdir" class="com.example.MyLogdirDefiner" />
This idiom is now needed for log4j 2. How can I apply the value of MyConfigEnum.LOGDIR in a log4j2.xml?
I don't want to set a property upon application start.
Log4j2 also lets you define new properties in the configuration file.
Details are in the Configuration > Property Substitution section of the manual: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/configuration.html#PropertySubstitution