Earlier this week I ran across Scott Hanselman's post about background processing in ASP.NET (http://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToRunBackgroundTasksInASPNET.aspx). I've written routines in the past that automatically hits a page every so often to run some tasks, but this background processing idea is something I never even considered, and Hangfire (http://hangfire.io/) looks perfect for my background processing needs (mainly sending emails).
To get HangFire going (after installing it via NuGet) I need to get it started up in the Application Startup class. The documentation provides C# code that I'm not sure how to convert to VB.NET. It looks like some lambda code, which I'm somewhat familiar with through my use of LINQ, but I can't quick figure this one out.
public void Configure(IAppBuilder app)
app.UseHangfire(config =>
config.UseSqlServerStorage("<connection string or its name>");
This is where I'm starting, which is basically next to nothing, I know... :)
Public Sub Configuration(app As IAppBuilder)
'This is where I know this code should go...
End Sub
I'd appreciate some direction or explanation as to what's going on here and how to port this code to VB.NET. Thanks!
You should be able to write that as:
Public Sub Configure(app As IAppBuilder)
Dim act = Sub(config As IBootstrapperConfiguration)
End Sub
End Sub
For more on creating multi line lambdas in VB.Net, refer to the MSDN.