I'm having troubles giving some cells some styling in ExtJS 5. I have two style rules in the index page:
.yellow-cell .x-grid-cell{
font-weight: bold;
background-color: yellow;
.red-cell .x-grid-cell{
background-color: red;
On select
event, the cell selected should be colored with yellow-cell
rule. and the cell before it needed to be colored with the other rule red-cell
, the rest of the table is just defaults.
var gridTable = Ext.getCmp('gridTable');
gridTable.on("select",function(obj, record, index, eOpts){
gridTable.getView().addItemCls(record, 'yellow-cell');
and on deselect I use removeItemCls()
then addItemCls()
to add the red-cell
Any chance there is a proper way to do this? because my code just color the whole row, and I want to color just the selected/deselected cells.
I'm really stuck here, any help will be highly appreciated.
Also you could try console.log(record) to find the right div name and do the following: