I'd like to disable YASnippet expansion (for example, if
) in comments and strings, but don't find how to do that in a generic way.
On The condition system, they say how to do it for Python, but I'd like to get it working for all prog-modes at once, and I'm not aware of any function which tests "in string/comment", independently of the language.
Is there still a way to do so?
Using lawlist's suggestion and adding it to prog-mode-hook
(defun yas-no-expand-in-comment/string ()
(setq yas-buffer-local-condition
'(if (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) ;; non-nil if in a string or comment
'(require-snippet-condition . force-in-comment)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'yas-no-expand-in-comment/string)