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Highcharts - Export PDF texts as text (and not vectorized shapes)

I export an Highcharts chart as a PDF file, everything's fine.

But when I open this chart in Adobe Illustrator (to change some text) :

  • the characters are all vectorized
  • so, to change the text, I have to delete all my text and rewrite another one
  • thus I lose all my style properties that I have set in HighCharts.

Is it possible to export an SVG (via batik, the exporting server of HighCharts) to PDF with not-vectorized text ?

Does it exist another way to do this with ou without Batik ?


  • I have a solution to export svg to pdf with text that can be then edited in Illustrator/inkscape for example.

    It is thanks to Inkscape used in command line.

    1. Install inkscape (add its installation path into PATH variable if you use Windows)
    2. Change only one line in the highcharts/exporting-server/index.php

    Old one :

    $output = shell_exec("java -jar ". BATIK_PATH ." $typeString -d $outfile $width temp/$tempName.svg");

    New one :

    $output = shell_exec("inkscape -f temp/$tempName.svg -A $outfile");