I export an Highcharts chart as a PDF file, everything's fine
But when I open this chart in Adobe Illustrator (to change some text
) :
delete all my text
and rewrite another one
lose all my style properties
that I have set in HighCharts.Is it possible to export an SVG
(via batik, the exporting server of HighCharts) to PDF
with not-vectorized text
Does it exist another way to do this with ou without Batik ?
I have a solution to export svg to pdf with text that can be then edited in Illustrator/inkscape for example.
It is thanks to Inkscape used in command line.
variable if you use Windows)highcharts/exporting-server/index.php
$output = shell_exec("java -jar ". BATIK_PATH ." $typeString -d $outfile $width temp/$tempName.svg");
$output = shell_exec("inkscape -f temp/$tempName.svg -A $outfile");