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How to cast nullable int to nullable short?

The hits I get when I look for the answer refer to casting from short to int and from nullable to not-nullable. However, I get stuck on how to convert from a "larger" type int? to a "smaller" type short?.

The only way I can think of is writing a method like this:

private short? GetShortyOrNada(int? input)
  if(input == null)
    return (short?)null;
  return Convert.ToInt16(input.Value);

I wish to do that on a single line, though, because it's only done a single place in the entire code base for the project and won't ever be subject to change.


  • What's wrong with simple cast? I tested and that works fine.

    private static short? GetShortyOrNada(int? input)
        checked//For overflow checking
            return (short?) input;