i am starting documenting my java-script + typescript website with jsDuck I've documented my class very well , but my problem is interfaces - they don't compile from the ts file over to the java-script.
here is my output, as u can see the page doesn't know who is IComboBoxScope of course it understandable due to the fact it doesn't generated to the java-script
is there a proper way to workaround this in jsDuck?
IF NOT, is there other products or solutions for documenting js with typescript out there?, maaybe jsDoc? ,typeDoc?
sorry for the poor sample/photo, i am working on a private network.
just wanted to share my findings, i have found a great solution typeDoc is really good, it doesn't need the compiled javascripts, it is dedicated to the ts files, new solution, active environment and the great thing is that i only need to run a 1 line script with the project library as a parameter.
typedoc --out path/to/documentation/ path/to/typescript/project/
output example
i have seen options to change themes, class hierarchy is working very well installed by NPM and support es 3,es 5 great!.