I am working on this demo. I am researching how to use only call one time .droppable()
with accept option for draggable elements to be accepted by dropping with specific ID. So:
dropboxt0 Accepts dragboxt0
dropboxt1 Accepts dragboxt1
dropboxt2 Accepts dragboxt2
dropboxt3 Accepts dragboxt3
dropboxt4 Accepts dragboxt4
I used following code
accept: $(this).attr('id'),
drop: function (event, ui) {
but it is not doing the job.
The issue was already discussed over here: jquery droppable accept
instead of using a single selector for accept, you can use a function, that has to return true or false. inside the function, there are a lot of ways to get to your desired behaviour. i choose the following:
<div id="container">
<div class="dropbox" data-drop-id="db01"></div>
<div class="dropbox" data-drop-id="db02"></div>
<div class="dropbox" data-drop-id="db03"></div>
<div class="dropbox" data-drop-id="db04"></div>
<div class="dragbox" data-drag-id="db01"></div>
<div class="dragbox" data-drag-id="db02"></div>
<div class="dragbox" data-drag-id="db03"></div>
<div class="dragbox" data-drag-id="db04"></div>
js with the accept - function, to return true or false:
accept: function (myDragBox) {
var id_group_drop, id_group_drag;
//get the "id_group" stored in a data-attribute of the draggable
id_group_drag = $(myDragBox).attr("data-drag-id");
//get the "id_group" stored in a data-attribute of the droppable
id_group_drop = $(this).attr("data-drop-id");
//compare the id_groups, return true if they match or false otherwise
return id_group_drop == id_group_drag;
drop: function (event, ui) {
important for my comparision is, that the id's of drop and dragbox are the same. therefore i didn't use the id attribute, but my own data-id attribute, since i like to have my id's being unique...
see demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/u9w63y2q/1/